eXTReMe Tracking

Previous Visitor Statistics from 14 Nov 2002 to 10 May 2009

SummaryPeriod: 791 Days
  Daily Unique:     Totals:  
    Last Day     2  /  10 May, Sun, 2009     Unique Visitors      1398 - 64.60% 
    Previous day       1  /  09 May, Sat, 2009     Visits incl. Reloads      2164 
    Average       1     Reloads      766 - 35.39% 
    Highest Day       15  /  27 Mar, Fri, 2009     Visitors via Referrers      259 - 18.52% 
  Weekly Unique:        Website Referrers      105 
    Current Week         14  /  Wk 19, 2009     Javascript Enabled      1322 - 94.56%
    Last Week          12  /  Wk 18, 2009    
    Average       6   Most accessed:  
    Highest Week       57  /  Wk 13, 2009     Browser      MSIE 6 
  Monthly Unique:          Operating System      Windows XP 
    Current Month    19  /  May, 2009     Screen Resolution      1024x768 
    Last Month          72  /  Apr, 2009     Screen Color      32 Bit (16.7M) 
    Average       24     Searchengine      Google 
    Highest Month       133  /  Mar, 2009     Keyword      selby  
  Highest Hour of the Day       14:00 - 14:59     Domain/Country      .uk / United Kingdom 
  Highest Day of the Week      Monday     Continent      Europe 

Summary | Unique | Reloads | Geo Tracking | System | Referrer 1 | Referrer 2